
Simple Talk

The simple talk library is a minimalistic library for sending serialized data over a tokio connection.

There are very few features to this library by design. It is meant to allow application to send and receive buffers which have been serialized/deserialized with serde over tokio connections, but not much else. The most advanced feature it has is that it will checksum serialized buffers and verify them on the receiving end, though this is as much to allow the sender and receivers to detect if they are desynchronized.

Wire format

| (u32) length of |
| serialized data |
|       ...       |
|    serialized   |
|      data       |
|       ...       |
|     crc32       |

Project state

If there are no updates to this project it is not beause it is "dead", but rather because being featureless is an explicit design goals. stalk was developed for client/server application prototyping, it only needs to be able to very quickly and easily allow two applications to send enums and structs back and forth.