


An abstraction over a file system-backed blob storage.

The FsBlobStore object can be used to insert blobs to a datastore, which will return a key (the content's hash). The key can then be used to request a reader for the blob in the storage.

fsblobstore is meant to be used as a backend storage; a separate database (typically wrapped around the fsblobstore) should be used to index the blobs (using their keys).

Feature labels in documentation

The crate's documentation uses automatically generated feature labels, which currently requires nightly featuers. To build the documentation locally use:

$ RUSTFLAGS="--cfg docsrs" RUSTDOCFLAGS="--cfg docsrs" cargo +nightly doc --all-features

Change log

The details of changes can always be found in the timeline, but for a high-level view of changes between released versions there's a manually maintained Change Log.

Project Status

fsblobstore is in early development stages.