

figment-winreg is a figment provider for the Windows registry.



The primary goal is feature parity with other figment Providers, not feature completeness with regard to the Windows registry. In particular, the registry can have default values configured for subkeys -- but there's no such concept in figment-winreg.

It would be possible to assign default values to a predefined key-name within each subkey, but it's not (currently) supported.

Setting up test data for the demo example

The source tree has an example called demo which illustrates how to use the provider with Figment. The demo requires the registry to be populated with some data in order to run correctly. In the source tree there's a file at testdata/hkcu_temp.reg which will, when imported, create a subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER:Temp\figment and populate it with data that the demo example expects (as well as some optional data).

The reg tool appears not to recognize the hkcu_temp.reg file, but the registry editor will accept the file using the File -> Import... feature.

Once the hkcu_temp.reg has imported, run the demo using:

> cargo run --example demo