
File Indexer

The file indexer (fidx) is a command line tool for generating/maintaining/verifying a database of hashes for regular files in a directory tree.

The original motivation for creating file indexer was the observation that it's a chore to maintain lists of checksums in backup archives on removable media. The primary annoyance it tries to solve is that hashes should be updated when the contents of a file have explicitly been updated -- but it should not recalculate hashes for files which might have changed due to failures in the storage media.

Bonus features:

See fidx Book for more information.

Project status

In the grand scheme of things this project does what I need it to. If you don't see any commits it doesn't mean the project is "abandoned", merely that it serves its purpose and I see no reason to add more features to it.

The fidx tool has some missing features and a few rough edges. These issues will be fixed over time.

Lack of commits does not imply lack of interest to fix unreported issues.